Roblox Tower of Hell – All You Need to Know with Best Tips

Have you heard of Roblox, one of the biggest platforms with many games? Among many more games here, Tower of Hell is one of the best games that you can try out here. This is a very challenging game with many challenges to face, therefore climbing up to the top of the towers must be tough for you as you are not an experienced player for this Roblox Tower of Hell gameplay. Thus this guide will help you to be the best in this gameplay. 

Roblox Tower of Hell

In this guide, you learn the best tips and tricks useful for this game. Once you learn them, it will be very easy for you to climb up to the top of all the towers that will randomly generate for you to complete. Complete more towers, earn more coins, and upgrade your gameplay with the help of the tips mentioned in this guide. So without waiting, get ready to hop into the Tower of Hell Roblox guide with the best tips. 

Noob Towers and Pro Towers

As you know, the Roblox Tower of Hell game is about conquering towers which is quite challenging. Here in this game, there are two types of towers, noob, and pro towers. Let us see explanations about both of these towers so that you can understand what these two game modes let you do in this game. 

The noob towers act like the main game mode here, and this is the kind of tower you will spawn when you first enter the gameplay. In this mode, you will be given eight minutes to complete one tower with six sections. When completing a tower in noob mode, you will receive at least a hundred coins for your performance. These towers are always for beginner players like you to get used to the gameplay very quickly. Besides these towers, there are pro towers for you which you can enter by the Pro Towers portal in the noob tower. 

Noob Towers and Pro Towers

Regarding the pro towers, you can guess for whom these towers are suitable. The pro towers are harder than the noob towers. Therefore, they are only good for the pro players. A pro tower consists of twelve sections, and you will spend at least ten minutes completing a pro tower. Although you have entered a pro tower through the pro towers portal in the noob tower, you can again enter the noob tower by the noob towers portal in the pro tower. 

As these pro towers are tougher than the noob towers, you should not enter these pro towers when you are still in the beginner phase of the game. 

Purchase Gears and Mutators

Gears and mutators play a significant role in this game in helping you overcome the towers. So in this guide, we will let you learn these two items individually. First, let us see what gears are. Gears are the equipment you can equip for your character to be used during the gameplay. You can buy gear from the in-game shop using a certain number of coins. Let us see the gear pieces available in the in-game shop. 

Purchase Gears and Mutators
  • Speed Coil – increases the speed of your character. 
  • Hourglass – stops your perception time. 
  • Gravity Coil – reduces gravity. 
  • Hook – you will get hooked on anything you want with this item. 
  • Fusion Coil – this lets you combine gravity and speed coil. 
  • Trowel – build your path. 

And now, let us explain the mutators, which are another special thing in this game. Mutators are also very similar to gear items. Still, the main difference between them is that when you purchase the mutators, their effects will be applied to all the players joined with you in the gameplay in your current server. With these mutators, you can make your gameplay very easy. So you should try to purchase these mutators. Let us see the mutators available in this Roblox Tower of Hell game. 

  • Invincibility – no more kill parts. 
  • High Speed – increases the speed of everyone by 25%. 
  • Low Gravity – reduces global gravity by 25%. 
  • Extra Time – adds another two minutes to the timer. 
  • Double Jump – lets everyone jump twice with this effect. 
  • Invisibility – makes everyone a ghost letting them be invisible. 
  • Foggy – makes everything foggy. 
  • Lengthen – adds another section to the tower. 
  • Negative – inverts colors. 
  • Double Coins – doubles the rewards for everyone. 
  • Bunny Hop – makes everyone jump. 
  • Checkpoints – a checkpoint appears every second stage. 

Complete Towers and Earn Coins

You know that you need coins to purchase gears and mutators. So, how to earn these coins in the Tower of Hell Roblox gameplay? Here you can buy coins by using the Robux. But if you are a F2P player, buying coins using Robux is not suitable for you. Therefore, completing towers is the best way to earn coins in this game. 

When you complete towers, you get coins. The pro towers are the ones that give you more coins than the noob towers. But as you are just a beginner to this game, pro towers will not be suitable right now. Somehow you need to complete towers, whether pro or noob towers. 

In the noob towers, you get at least one hundred coins; in the pro towers, you get at least two hundred and fifty coins by completing them. At the beginning of the Tower of Hell Roblox game, you can only earn coins by conquering a tower completely. But now, you can earn coins by completing sections of the towers separately. Besides completing towers to earn coins, you can purchase coins through Robux or buy a membership to get a certain amount when you log in to the game daily. 

Challenges will Come, But Don’t Give Up

When you start completing a tower, don’t imagine that conquering it will be so smooth. You will encounter lots of challenges when you begin completing these towers. Therefore you must be prepared to face any challenge once you start climbing one tower. 

Challenges will Come, But Don’t Give Up

Since you are still a Tower of Hell Roblox beginner, climbing the towers to the top with the challenges there may be hard. But if you have the spirit of not giving up, you can climb the challenges no matter how hard they are. So prepare your mind to accept failures while climbing the towers, but never give up on your mission until you reach the top of the tower. 


Here are the best tips and tricks you should follow when playing this Tower of Hell Roblox gameplay. As the game is somewhat challenging, these tips will be much of a help for you. While following these tips, get updates on the Roblox Tower of Hell codes which give you free valuable stuff that makes things easy in this game.

Max GameMaster
Your Mobile Gaming Guru and SEO Expert Welcome to the thrilling world of mobile gaming, where every tap and swipe unlocks new adventures. Meet Max GameMaster, your dedicated guide to the exciting realm of mobile gaming. With 7 years of passionate dedication to gaming, Max is not just a gamer but also a seasoned content writer and SEO specialist with a unique perspective on mobile gaming. Max combines their love for gaming with the power of search engine optimization to bring you in-depth insights, reviews, and tips that elevate your mobile gaming experience. Having explored countless mobile gaming titles, Max GameMaster understands the nuances of this dynamic industry. Their mission is to keep you informed about the latest games, trends, and strategies while helping you discover hidden gems and become a gaming pro. As a content writer, Max crafts engaging, informative, and entertaining articles that take you deep into the gaming worlds you love. They have their finger on the pulse of the mobile gaming community and strive to provide you with the content you crave.