Win the War with Best Super Mech War Gameplay Tips

Super Mech War is a 3D SRPG that combines pilots, mechs, AI, weapons, and terrain in a thrilling futuristic war. It is a game that will challenge your strategic skills and creativity, developed by Sunice Limited and available on Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Known for their previous works, such as Mech Wars and Battle Mechs, Sunice Limited has a history of delivering titles where the game environment is immersive and realistic. Super Mech War allows you to customize your robot, fight against other Players, and uncover the truth behind the War. 

Super Mech War

While the core of the game resembles your usual turn-based strategy and resource management simulators, it takes quite a twist as you progress through the different scenarios. The end game is going to be all about customizing your robot, fighting against other players online, and uncovering the truth behind the War. Of course, combat cannot be done without some tactics, and Super Mech War is not shy of engaging in some action-packed battles. So let’s arm ourselves with the best tips and tricks to conquer every battle. 

Super Mech War Gameplay

At the heart of the Super Mech War lies an orthodox turn-based strategy system. Each stage presents you with a grid-based field where enemy and ally units are strategically positioned. With every turn, your units can move and attack, leading to exhilarating battles. While the parameters of your Mechas largely determine combat outcomes, the skills of your pilots also play a vital role. 

Super Mech War Gameplay

Skills like Hit, which ensures a 100% hit rate, and Evasion, which enables evading attacks, can turn the tide of battle in your favor. As you engage in combat, analyzing your enemies and allies becomes crucial in deciding which units should target specific enemies. This strategic depth adds a real thrill to the turn-based gameplay and keeps you engaged throughout.

Field Size and Tactical Gameplay

Field Size and Tactical Gameplay

Super Mech War goes against the usual rules of mobile games by having bigger play areas. It goes against the idea that mobile games should have smaller play areas and fewer enemies so that you can play for shorter amounts of time and get the feeling of progression faster. 

The battles of the game are easy to play and give you plenty of room to make strategic moves. Even though the sizes of the fields change from stage to stage, none of them make you feel confined. This large playing field gives you the freedom to really get into turn-based tactics.

Acquiring Treasure Chests

In Super Mech War, treasure chests are a unique element that takes full advantage of the larger field size. These chests contain valuable items and can be found by moving your units to the corresponding squares on the battlefield. However, claiming these treasures poses a dilemma. 

Treasure chests are often positioned away from enemy units, requiring you to either divide your forces or invest multiple turns to reach them. While treasure chests are not essential for clearing stages, aiming to collect them all and complete mission objectives adds an extra layer of challenge. To achieve this feat, you must carefully plan each turn, avoid unnecessary actions, and should make accurate decisions.

Balancing and Gameplay Options

One aspect that sets Super Mech War apart is its outstanding balance adjustment. If your interest lies solely in the Mecha aspect of the game, clearing stages without much difficulty is entirely possible. The game even provides an auto-attack function that allows you to play the game hands down, less inclined towards strategic gameplay to enjoy the action. 

On the other hand, if you love strategic gameplay, you can delve deeper into the game’s web of strategies. By aiming to collect all treasure chests and fulfill mission objectives, you’ll encounter a substantial increase in challenge.

Select the Right Pilot for Your Mech

Pilots play a vital role in Super Mech War as they directly impact the performance of their assigned mechs. Each pilot possesses a distinctive skill or ability that can greatly influence the outcome of a battle. When choosing pilots for your mechs, it’s essential to consider their role, type, and compatibility with the rest of your team.

Select the Right Pilot for Your Mech

For instance, certain pilots can heal your mechs, boost their stats, or debuff your enemies. Carefully understand the combination of mechs and pilots using a Super Mech War tier list to maximize your tactical advantage.

If you have a melee mech with high damage output but low defense, pairing it with a pilot who can bolster its defense or provide healing support would be advantageous. On the other hand, if you have a support mech capable of buffing or debuffing allies and enemies, selecting a pilot who can enhance these effects will amplify their impact.

To assess the skills and abilities of each pilot and mech, you can tap on their icons within the game menu. Experimentation is key in finding the perfect combinations that suit your playstyle and team composition.

Unlocking New Pilots and Mechs

Super Mech War offers a progression system that allows you to unlock new pilots and mechs as you advance through the game. These unlock and expand your strategic options and provide opportunities for fresh tactics.

Unlocking New Pilots and Mechs

Completing missions, participating in events, and utilizing the infinite 10x summon feature are some of the ways you can obtain new pilots and mechs. By diversifying your roster, you can experiment with different team compositions and adapt to various scenarios. Upgrading existing pilots and mechs using resources like gold, gems, parts, or cores further enhances their performance and effectiveness on the battlefield.

To gain an edge over your opponents, aim to unlock and upgrade as many pilots and mechs as possible. This will broaden your strategic arsenal and enable you to counter your adversaries with a well-rounded and adaptable team.

Utilizing Terrain to Your Advantage

The battlefield in Super Mech War is far from a mere flat surface. It’s a dynamic environment filled with diverse terrain features and obstacles. To emerge victorious, you must leverage these elements strategically.

Utilizing Terrain to Your Advantage

Make use of cover to protect your mechs from incoming fire and reduce the damage they take. Taking advantage of height advantage can grant you a broader field of vision and better firing positions. Additionally, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies can help you exploit the terrain that favors your own mech’s abilities.

Certain mechs excel in specific terrains, such as water, snow, or grass. By identifying these strengths, you can position your mechs in areas where they can thrive, ensuring a higher chance of success. Conversely, be cautious of terrain hazards like mines, lava, or acid pools that can inflict damage upon your mechs.

Balancing Attack and Defense

Combat in Super Mech War presents players with two fundamental options: attacking and defending. Each choice carries its own advantages and disadvantages, and striking the right balance is essential for success.

Balancing Attack and Defense

Attacking allows you to unleash devastating damage upon your enemies, but it also exposes your mechs to potential counterattacks. On the other hand, defending reduces the damage your mechs receive, but it comes at the cost of decreased damage output. Understanding the type of mech you’re piloting and the situation at hand is crucial for making the optimal choice.

Melee or high-damage mechs are better suited for an aggressive attacking playstyle, while tanks or support mechs can excel in a defensive role. Assessing the battlefield, the enemy’s actions, and your team’s composition will guide you toward the right decision, ensuring that you strike a balance between offense and defense.

How to Customizing Mechs in Super Mech War

As we said earlier, to truly optimize your mechs’ performance, customization is the key. However, in the early stages, you should always choose one set of good mechas to invest in rather than enhancing all the bots you have acquired, or you will quickly run out of resources, and game progress will be hindered because of it. Follow these steps to unleash the full potential of your robots:

When you go to the Hangar menu and choose the Mech option, you will be shown a list of your mechs along with their individual statistics. Pick the mech that you want to modify and go from there. You are free to go through the four available tabs, which are titled Upgrade, Parts, Module, and Accessory.

Under the Upgrade menu, you have the option to spend in-game currency on improving your mech’s numerous properties, such as its Health Points, Endurance Points, Armour, Mobility, and Sight. The higher your rankings in these traits, the more likely it is that you may receive further bonuses or advancements.

Using the parts tab, you are able to equip your mech with a variety of parts, each of which will improve its characteristics or provide it with unique effects. You can acquire components by completing missions, obtaining achievements, or playing the Gacha Banners game.

You can expand the capabilities of your mech’s weaponry and skills by equipping different modules, which can be done on the Modules page. Your bots’ damage output, range, capacity for ammo, and accuracy can all be improved by adding modules to their arsenals. You can acquire modules by completing missions, obtaining achievements, or pulling the Gacha Banners.

The Accessory tab gives you the ability to equip your mech with various accessories, which will provide your bots with additional effects or bonuses that you can get from other equipment. A Bot’s morale, Evasion, counterattack rate, or energy recovery can all be boosted by using accessories. In the same manner, as other parts, accessories can be acquired through completing missions, obtaining achievements, or pulling gacha banners.

How to Experience Different Endings in Super Mech War

The story of the game may wrap up in a number of ways, depending on the decisions and actions you take throughout the course of the game. Follow these steps in order to access alternate endings.

Complete the main story mode, which consists of 12 chapters with multiple stages and scenarios. The main story mode unveils a captivating narrative, introducing you to various characters, factions, and events that shape the outcome of the War.

How to Experience Different Endings in Super Mech War

Make choices that significantly influence the story. Throughout the game, you’ll encounter decision points where your choices impact the plot and relationships between characters. Some choices yield immediate consequences, while others have long-term effects.

Unlock hidden stages and scenarios. Super Mech War hides certain stages and scenarios, accessible only when specific conditions are met. These conditions may involve using a particular mech or pilot, achieving a specific rank or score, or making certain choices. These hidden stages and scenarios provide deeper insights into the War’s context and characters, potentially leading to alternate endings.

Replay the game with different mechs and pilots. Each mech and pilot combination offers a unique set of abilities, skills, and weapons. You can explore various gameplay styles and discover new outcomes by experimenting with different combinations. Customize your strategies and compositions to uncover the full range of possibilities within the game.


Super Mech War delivers an exhilarating robot warfare experience that caters to both robot and strategy enthusiasts. With its turn-based combat system, larger field sizes, and engaging customization options, the game offers a captivating journey for players seeking intense battles and tactical depth. By utilizing the provided gameplay tips, customizing your mechs, and making strategic choices, you’ll pave your way to victory in this thrilling mobile RPG. Embrace the challenge, dominate the battlefield, and emerge as the ultimate champion in Super Mech War.

Max GameMaster
Your Mobile Gaming Guru and SEO Expert Welcome to the thrilling world of mobile gaming, where every tap and swipe unlocks new adventures. Meet Max GameMaster, your dedicated guide to the exciting realm of mobile gaming. With 7 years of passionate dedication to gaming, Max is not just a gamer but also a seasoned content writer and SEO specialist with a unique perspective on mobile gaming. Max combines their love for gaming with the power of search engine optimization to bring you in-depth insights, reviews, and tips that elevate your mobile gaming experience. Having explored countless mobile gaming titles, Max GameMaster understands the nuances of this dynamic industry. Their mission is to keep you informed about the latest games, trends, and strategies while helping you discover hidden gems and become a gaming pro. As a content writer, Max crafts engaging, informative, and entertaining articles that take you deep into the gaming worlds you love. They have their finger on the pulse of the mobile gaming community and strive to provide you with the content you crave.