Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice Review of Guides, Tips and a Full Gameplay Walkthrough

Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice Android is a survival and strategy game where you will build a base in a frozen area. The whole area is surrounded by ice, and your city is isolated among the frozen snow with no bit of green can be seen. Many survivors are coming to you, and your main purpose is to build a perfect base for all the survivors that approach you. So here in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice walkthrough guide, we will help you to build your base perfectly, providing you with the best tips and tricks. 

Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice Android

Here you have to construct buildings and gather resources to build your base progressively, and there are many things you can do here. So when you play this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice android game for the first time, you need great help in building your dream city. That help you need can be gained through this guide without any less. So get ready to build your base amazingly with the help of this guide when you play this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice android game. 

Fight the Climate Conditions with Heat

In this game, the main challenge you must fight is the climate condition. Here, your base is in a frozen area filled with snow, and you only see the white color in the whole area because of the snow. With this condition, the temperature is in really low condition, so it is not good weather for the survivors who live there. So the first tip you should follow here is to keep your base heated with the generator, like the shining grace in this frozen hellscape. 

Fight the Climate Conditions with Heat

You can activate the generator with enough coal and let it heat your base. Besides the basic needs of the human, such as food and water, it is essential to have an excellent environment to survive. So you should take enough measurements to help your survivors fight the climate condition by supplying them with enough heat. To build a great base for the survivors to live with hope, you should do this as this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice guide says. 

Collect Enough Resources

You need resources to do anything in this game. If you want to build a tent for your survivors, you need resources. You need resources if you want to let the generator keep the whole tent warm. Resources are a greater thing in this game, so you must keep collecting them constantly. When you have collected enough resources for your base, you don’t have to keep waiting to complete a task you need. 

Collect Enough Resources

For example, if you have enough wood collected by cutting down trees, you can immediately build a tent for your survivors without waiting for your survivors to collect enough wood for you. Since having enough resources makes things easy, you just need to collect all the necessary resources. Though you think you have more than enough resources, you are wrong because resources quickly become zero as you have many things to do with them. 

Build More Tents

When the survivors see your base, they will approach you, seeking help for shelter. Once you accept the homeless survivors, they become the survivors who live in your base. All these survivors work for you when you assign them. But you need to build tents for them here in your base first. When you build tents for the homeless people in your base, they will work for you. 

Build More Tents

Until you build tents for the homeless, they cannot work for you because they are still homeless. So you should build more tents or dwellings for the homeless survivors and let them work for you happily. As mentioned in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice guide above, if you have enough resources, you can immediately build more tents for all the homeless people in your base. 

Following the Tasks is Important

Once you begin the game, you will follow through the chapters to get some progression while getting used to it. In these chapters, there are more tasks for you to complete. Once you complete the whole set of tasks, you will be known as completing one whole chapter. Completing the chapters is very important in this game as it is the only way to climb up faster here, and when you begin the game, you only have to do what these chapter tasks ask you to do. 

You will lead the game only by following the tasks at the beginning of the game. So as it is said in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice review guide, you should follow the chapter tasks which are very important in this game. Chapter tasks play a great role in teaching you how to do things in this game, so you better follow and do what they ask you to do. 

Add More Facilities

You can go through all these categories and add more fasciitis you need to your base. When adding facilities to your base, you need many resources to build them, and also each building is locked in the queue until you add the previous building to your base. When you add more buildings to your base, your base becomes complete with all the necessary facilities. So you need to make sure to add buildings when they are unlocked for you to add to your base. 

When building a city or a base, you should add more facilities. Doing that will help you to build your base with everything the survivors need to live peacefully. So adding more facilities is another important thing mentioned in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice review guide for all players. All the facilities you can build here are categorized as living, decoration, road, special and industry. 

Add More Facilities

The process will not stop after adding facilities to your base; there is still more to do. You need to upgrade the buildings you added to the base to improve their efficiency, making them more functioning. Upgrading also requires various materials; with all the required materials, you can upgrade the facilities already added to the Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice walkthrough gameplay. 

Manage Your Workers

After building tents or other advanced dwellings for all the homeless people, every survivor starts working for you doing tasks that you assign to them. When you have more survivors to work for you, you should manage your workers well, dispatching them to complete the tasks available. Managing the workers will help you to use all the workers well without letting anyone be idle. To manage the workers, you should go to the Production Arrangement tab. 

Manage Your Workers

There, you can see the tasks you must complete and the number of assigned workers. And also, you can see the additional number of workers you can assign for those tasks. If you see empty work seats to complete those tasks, you can manage your workers well and add more workers to those available tasks. When you assign more workers per task, you can complete the task quicker than you imagined. So manage your workers properly and have better results. 

Trade with People

Trading is one of the most significant things in this game. When you get more survivors, don’t think they can only eat and work and survive, but you can trade things with these survivors. If you don’t know, let us tell you why trading is essential. Through trading, you can earn more resources needed for your gameplay. Therefore, as this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice review mentions, you should know more about trading. 

Trade with People

When you get more survivors, some of them approach you for trading. When they want to trade with you, if you like, you can accept the trade. Trading means getting some resources by giving some of the resources you have. If you like the resources you get through trading and think the trade is fair and profitable, you can accept the trade. 

Or if you feel the opposite about some trades, you can refuse them. But when trade benefits you, you better trade with people. Trading allows you to get more resources for your gameplay which will never be more than enough. Therefore, it is better to trade often and get what you want. 

Improve Your Industrial System

Developing the industrial building is essential in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice walkthrough gameplay. The industrial system is another great factor that affects the development of your base; therefore, when you add facilities, you need to prioritize the buildings related to the industrial system. 

When you have built your industrial system perfectly, your base becomes more powerful and prosperous. With the improvement of the industrial system, you can always mass produce what you want and add significant industrial buildings making your Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice base more progressive. 


Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice gameplay is impressive as it includes many fascinating features you can enjoy. But if you are a newbie player, you need help to become great here. So in this guide, you have learned more strategies and tips to follow in this Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice android game. Therefore now you can start playing this game with the help of this guide.

Max GameMaster
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