The year 2022 will be over soon, and it’s not yet finished soon for the Epic Seven players. It grows day by day and makes you a great fan of the gacha games day by day. So what would be the reason? The ultimate and the major reason will always be its variety of powerful characters. So who is going to run Epic Seven world in 2023? Here comes the Epic Seven tier list, which will be available for you in the 2023 year.
Epic Seven tier list is making sure to steal the show by their best performances and characteristics. What makes it more is their range of power deliverance. They come with various categories of powers, and each one of them has its own capacity to challenge the game with its various phases. Whether it is a PVE or a PVP match, one hero will go well among those all characters from the Epic Seven tier list.
Epic Seven Tier List
There are five types of ranks coming along with the Epic Seven tier list to specify each hero’s abilities. They are
- Tier S – these heroes are rich with so many powers, and all the heroes who come on this tier are super powerful to lead any phase of the game. All the heroes coming under here will be either 4 or 5 stars, and players who manage to find a one from here are truly blessed.
- Tier A – these heroes are also going with equal powers just like the S tier, although they don’t have much sure like the S tier heroes. But they are great to take maximum benefits against your enemies.
- Tier B – if you didn’t manage to get one from above tier heroes, don’t worry. Tier B is also going well with you. You can still be benefitted by using these heroes for your team’s compositions.
- Tier C – you don’t have to look down for these characters since they don’t have many powers like the above three tiers. They are specialized in some niches, and they are known to be the specific heroes.
- Tier D – these are not the ones that you think to handle with your gameplay as they are only capable of managing the early phases of the game. These heroes don’t have the best stats, and once you get the chance, it will be better to swap these heroes for another powerful hero.
Epic Seven Tier List – S
These are the heroes from the S tier
- Ruele of Light
- Arbiter Mildred
- Challenger Dominiel
- Charles
- Auxiliary Lots
- Ken
Epic Seven Tier List – A
- Diene
- Dizzy
- Iseria
- Krau
- Luluca
- Martial Artist Ken
- Roana
- Seaside Bellona
- Specter Tenebria
- Vivian
- You fine
Epic Seven Tier List – B
- Achates
- Adventurer Ras
- Alicia
- Angelic Montmorency
- Blood Blade Karin
- Angelica
- Basar
- Bellona
- Blaze Dingo
- Celine
- Judge Kise
- Chloe
- Add
- Clarissa
- Briar Witch Iseria
- Crimson Armin
- Elena
- Elphelt Valentine
- Even
- Fallen Cecilia
- Kayron
- Kise
- Landy
- Little Queen Charlotte
- Melissa
- Mort
- Operator Sigret
- Ravi
- Sez
- Sigret
- Silver Blade Araminta
- Sol Badguy
- Tamarin
- Top Model Luluca
- Tywin
- Mildred
- Violet
Epic Seven Tier List – C
- All-Rounder Wanda
- Baiken
- Chaos Sect Axe
- Cidd
- Araminta
- Cerise
- Assassin Cartuja
- Coli
- Baal – Sezan
- Blood Moon Haste
- Celestial Mercedes
- Apocalypse Ravi
- Ceramic
- Champion Zerato
- Charlotte
- Commander Lorina
- Crescent Moon Rin
- Dark Corvus
- Destina
- Dingo
- Fairytale Tenebria
- Faithless Lidia
- Falconer Kuri
- Fighter Maya
- Flan
- General Purrgis
- Luna
- Guider Aither
- Haste
- Karin
- Kawerik
- Kitty Clarissa
- Ludwig
- Last Rider Krau
- Leo
- Lidia
- Lilias
- Lots
- Doris
- Mascot Hazel
- Mercenary Helga
- Mirsa
- Maid Chloe
- Ray
- Achates
- Remnant Violet
- Researcher
- Carrot
- Rin
- Rose
- Shadow Rose
- Specimen Sez
- Tempest Surin
- Tenebrae
- Watcher Schurz
- Yuna
- Zealot Carmainerose
Epic Seven Tier List – D
- Church of Ilryos Axe
- Ainos
- Celeste
- Aither
- Ambitious Tywin
- Carrot
- Armin
- Batisse
- Benevolent Romann
- Captain Rikoris
- Carmainerose
- Cecilia
- Choux
- Coli
- Dominiel
- Crozet
- Basar
- Doris
- Eaton
- Chaos Inquisitor
- Tieria
- Corvus
- Furious
- Glenn
- Hazel
- Holiday Yufine
- Hurado
- Jecht
- Khawana
- Gloomyrain
- Khawazu
- Kizuna AI
- Lena
- Lilibet
- Mistychain
- Mui
- Pavel
- Politis
- Ras
- Requiemroar
- Roozid
- Romann
- Sage Baal – Sezan
- Serila
- Silk
- Sinful Angelica
- Sonia
- Surin
- Taranor Guard
- Wanda
- Wanderer Silk
- Zeno
- Zerato
- Schuri
Tier List LOL
If you ever encounter one from this list, it’s your main responsibility to ignore them, especially if you seek more victory for your game. These heroes usually lose up all the matches they face, even if it’s from the beginning of the game. So it is not that hard to avoid these heroes as there are many to grab from other Epic seven tier list categories.
- Play
- Aims
- Alexa
- Archdemon’s Shadow
- Crowell
- Azalea
- Bask
- Butcher Corps Inquisitor
- Cartuja
- Elson
- Scott
- Godmother
- Gunther
- Hataan
- Helga
- Ian
- Jena
- Judith
- Kikirat V2
- Kiris
- Kuri
- Lorina
- Maya
- Mercedes
- Montmorency
- Mucacha
- Nemunas
- Ollie
- Pearlhorizon
- Purrgis
- Phyllis
- Rikers
- Rima
- Roaming Warrior Leo
- Rood
- Sven
- Taranor Royal Guard
- Tieria
- Troublemaker Crozet
Best Characters on Epic Seven Tier List
If you can give a chance for Arbiter Vildred, he would be a perfect 5-star hero for the game. He can revive his health after a fatal blow and hold great combat readiness focusing on the game. He is a five-start top tier hero to be used on every success in each game segment. Arbiter will always be going well with the AOE phases of Epic Seven.
Then it comes to Dizzy. Dizzy is also a 5-star hero as a mage, and she can attack every enemy with all the skills. This hero got some high base stats, and she is an ideal hero for the PVP segments. Dizzy has so much power for the game, especially when combined with other debuffs.
Bellona is another hero who comes under the best hero’s category, and she will attack all the enemies by causing moderating and heavy damage. She is a great hero that fits well with PVE and PVP, and the first skill of Bellona is really great against the bosses who have significant health.
Sol Badguy is another one to be added to this list. You can’t obtain Sol from summons as he is available through the game contents. He is a damage dealer who targets single targeting and will always be good against any enemy with the highest HP value. Sol is generally a good hero for the raid.
Seaside Bellona is our next shining hero as a ranger of 5 stars. She identified as a great ranger who is increased with the focus gaining and decreasing from her damage reviving. Bellona got some helpful debuff along with powerful AOE attacks.
Challenger Dominiel is a mage of 4 stars and is the best damage dealer for single targets. When there are enough collected critical hit stacks with her, Challenger Dominiel will hit many bosses with one shot. She can increase her allies’ critical hit rates and be a great hero for the best team combination.
To have a great experience with mobile with these amazing heroes, you can give it a try for LDPlayer.
Who are the Best Five Stars in Epic Seven Tier List?
Although there are many, we can take the best 10 out of them who extend their skills to a great extent as 5-star heroes.
- Ambitious Tywin
- Alicia
- Apocalypse Ravi
- Arbiter Mildred
- Araminta
- Archdemon’s Shadow
- Baiken
- Baal and Sezan
- Bellona
- Belian
How is Ruele of Light Good for the Game?
This is a most asking question of Epic Seven, and most of the gamers ask if this Ruele is good enough for the gameplay or not. If a player is intending to use Ruele in the mid or early game, then she is not the ideal type. But Ruele is better for the late game of Epic Seven’s world arena. Although things go like that, Ruele is still a good heroin Guild Wars and the Arena.
If you plan to include Ruele for your team, make sure you have a specific team composition and have enough heroes on encountering her. This hero holds no significant weaknesses to the gameplay of Epic Seven.
So that is all for the Epic Seven Tier list for now. And when this tier list is added with some more heroes, we’ll update all the sections. So head back to us to know every changes.
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